Friday, January 17, 2014

How I Clean My Makeup Brushes + Beautyblender!


It has been WAY too long since I posted last, so here is a fun one for you to read.

Let's start with the things you will need:
Dawn Dish Soap (it is the #1 grease fighter and it will do wonders for your brushes)
EVOO aka Extra Virgin Olive Oil (this will condition your brushes and keep them soft)
Measuring cup
Bowl or cup

Another item that is completely optional, but I use is the Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove (Available here!)
It has two sides:
 One side for your face brushes,
And one for your eye and lip brushes.
You can also use a silicon oven mitt, or just your hands :)

To begin, mix your dish soap and EVOO together.
 You should end up with this lovely green-blue slime:

Next, wet your brush and swirl it into the mixture:
 Then make a lather with water and your glove/hand:
 After you see that all of the makeup is off of your brush, rinse thoroughly. The Sigma brush has a special part of the glove that is perfect for rinsing:
 Then squeeze the bristles dry, and lay them on a towel to dry. I typically unroll a paper towel roll and set my brushes on an angle, so that the ferral (metal part) doesn't get water trapped into it and loosen the glue that keeps the bristles on the brush.
And that's it for the brushes. I also use this mixture to clean my Beautyblender (Available here!)
First, I dampen my beautyblender to expand it, then I roll it in the mixture:
 Then I squeeze the mixture into the beautyblender and run it under the faucet, squeezing as I rinse it out (this takes a VERY long time, as the beautyblender's job is the retain foundation and water)
 And voila! Clean beautyblender!
And here are all of my babies fresh and clean:
Hope you enjoyed this pictorial! If you would like to request a pictorial, sound off in the comments!

You can also follow me on InstaGram @angelamcollins :)

Until next time, little doves!

xoxo, Ang

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  1. Ok so I changed the comment settings so EVERYONE can comment. Keep in mind that all comments are sent to be for approval before they are posted, so please be nice :)
